The rough, raw and real 2022 Icelandic coming-of-age drama film Beautiful Beings [Berdreymi] is set in the 2000s in the suburbs of Reykjavík, where violence surrounds a small gang of teenage boys. Writer/ director Guðmundur […]
The 1958 British black and white second feature Irish-set thriller film Dublin Nightmare stars William Sylvester, Marla Landi and Richard Leech. Director John Pomeroy’s 1958 British black and white second feature thriller film Dublin Nightmare […]
Charlie Korman stars in the 2024 film Unspoken as a Jewish closeted gay teenager who finds a love letter written to his late grandfather by another man, so he sets out to find the person. […]
The 1942 romantic crime thriller film Alibi stars Margaret Lockwood as a bar hostess used by a killer to obtain an alibi, and James Mason as a police detective out to trap her. ‘A Woman’s […]
Julien Baumgartner stars as Vincent Molina, a nice young gay guy, who finds himself the victim of homophobic outing at his high school, where he is in the swim team. Director Fabrice Cazeneuve’s Á cause […]
The 1989 American horror thriller sequel Stepfather II: Make Room for Daddy brings back Terry O’Quinn as the psychopath daddy from the creepy 1987 horror thriller The Stepfather. ‘Tonight – Daddy’s Coming Home – To Slice […]
John Guillermin’s 1950 British second feature crime thriller film The Paper Gallows [Torment] stars Dermot Walsh, Rona Anderson and John Bentley. ‘YOU’LL NEVER FORGET THIS TERRIFIC BRITISH THRILLER and THIS SCENE will hold you SPELLBOUND!’ […]