The intriguing and suspenseful 1950 British thriller mystery film Midnight Episode, is based on a Georges Simenon novel, and stars Stanley Holloway, Natasha Parry, Leslie Dwyer, Reginald Tate and Meredith Edwards. Director Gordon Parry’s most […]
Big band brothers Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey plus Paul Whiteman play themselves in the 1947 American musical biopic film The Fabulous Dorseys that shows them spending most of their off-stage time fighting. Director Alfred E […]
The 1960 British crime mystery film The Man Who Was Nobody stars luminous Hazel Court as a rich posh private eye investigating the disappearance of a man after buying a diamond with a bounced cheque. […]
Zena Walker, Basil Henson, Anthony Dawson, and Kenneth Cope star in the compelling 1965 British Edgar Wallace Mysteries murder thriller Change Partners. Change Partners is a talky and contrived but still really quite enjoyable and […]
The highly entertaining and satisfying 1965 British second feature Edgar Wallace Mysteries thriller film Strangler’s Web stars John Stratton, Pauline Munro, Griffith Jones and Gerald Harper. Director John Moxey’s highly entertaining and satisfying 1965 British […]
The 1956 British crime thriller film Doublecross is based on Kem Bennett’s spy story The Queer Fish, and stars Donald Houston, Fay Compton, Delphi Lawrence, William Hartnell, Anton Diffring, and Frank Lawton. Director Anthony Squire’s […]
MGM’s 1951 black and white war film Go for Broke! stars Van Johnson in a strong, decent World War Two movie centring on the brave American soldiers of Japanese descent. Writer/ director Robert Pirosh’s 1951 […]