Derek Winnert


This article was written on 09 Jun 2024, and is filled under Reviews.

Delta Force 3: The Killing Game * (1990, Nick Cassavetes, Eric Douglas, Mike Norris, Matthew Penn, John P Ryan) – Classic Movie Review 12,928

The 1990 action-adventure film Delta Force 3: The Killing Game is the third and final episode in The Delta Force series and the only one not to star Chuck Norris, though it does star his son Mike Norris.

‘Hit hard… move fast… and get out alive. From the makers of The Delta Force and Delta Force 2, a new generation of action-adventure excitement!.

Director Sam Firstenberg’s 1990 action-adventure film Delta Force 3: The Killing Game stars Nick Cassavetes, Eric Douglas, Mike Norris, Matthew Penn, and John Saint Ryan.

Series star Chuck Norris chucks in the towel for the third episode and a platoon of various stars’ relatives takes over for this low-aiming, feeble, often silly Delta Force gung-ho action thriller, with some mindless violence. Relatively speaking, it doesn’t really work without Chuck Norris.

This time, religious fanatic terrorist leader Kahlil Kadal (Jonathan Cherchi), the world’s most wanted man, sends the US President a tape giving him a week to withdraw from the Arab world or a nuclear device will be set off in Miami, Florida, threatening the world with immediate destruction. East and the West must unite to put together a team with the firepower and the guts to capture the mad bomber fanatic.

Major Nick Cassavetes plays Major Charlie Stewart, the head of the Delta team commando force sent to take the bad guy alive by storming his desert stronghold.

Who says nepotism isn’t a good thing? The stars are the sons of John Cassavetes, Kirk Douglas, Chuck Norris and film director Arthur Penn.

The stars are Nick Cassavetes as Major Charlie Stewart, commander of the Delta team, Matthew Penn as Lieutenant Richard O’Keefe, Delta Force’s intelligence officer, Mike Norris as Greg Lassiter, Delta Force point man, Eric Douglas as Sam, Delta Force explosives expert.

The film runs 97 minutes but the UK video version is cut by three minutes.

Also in the cast are Hana Azoulay-Hasfari, Gregory Tal, Mark Ivanir, Candace Brecker, Dan Turgeman, Jonathan Cherchi, and Sandy Ward.

Delta Force 3: The Killing Game is directed by Sam Firstenberg, runs 97 minutes, is made by Global Pictures, is distributed by Cannon Video and Warner Home Video, is written by Boaz Davidson, Greg Latter and Andrew Deutsch, is shot by Avraham Karpick [Avi Karpick], is produced by Harry Alan Towers (executive producer), Boaz Davidson, and Christopher Pearce, is scored by Robert Thomas Mein, and is designed by David Varod.

It was released in the United States on March 22, 1991 but then went straight to video in most countries. The Killing Game killed off the series.

It was shot in Israel between June 12, 1990 and August 1990 (the underground cave scenes were shot at Beit Guvrin National Park, Israel), with some filming in Washington.

Chuck Norris was intended to star, but he withdrew after the fatal helicopter crash during the making of Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection (1990).

The cast are Nick Cassavetes as Major Charlie Stewart, commander of the Delta team, Matthew Penn as Lieutenant Richard O’Keefe, Delta Force’s intelligence officer, Mike Norris as Greg Lassiter, Delta Force point man, Eric Douglas as Sam, Delta Force explosives expert, Sandy Ward as General Wilson, JSOC commander, John Ryan as Captain Sergei Ilyich Leskov, commander of Soviet Spetsnaz team, Hana Azoulay Hasfari as Soviet intelligence officer Irenia Usuri, Mark Ivanir as Soviet explosives expert Pietre Ivanovich, Gregory Tal as Soviet heavy weapons specialist Bruk, Candace Brecker as TV news producer Wendy Jackson, Jonathan Cherchi as Sadalian terrorist leader Kahlil Kadal, and Dan Turgeman as Anwar Hussein,

© Derek Winnert 2024 – Classic Movie Review 12,928

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