The 1991 British drama film Enchanted April is an enchanting version of the sentimental tale based on Elizabeth von Arnim’s novel, with director Mike Newell bringing the talent he showed in Dance with a Stranger to bear on the stylish acting, Twenties period atmosphere and sleek shots by cinematographer Rex Maidment. It was popular, taking $13.2 million at the box office, and won two Golden Globes (for Joan Plowright and Miranda Richardson) and was nominated for three Oscars.
Josie Lawrence stars as Lottie Wilkins, who leaves boring husband Mellersh Wilkins (Alfred Molina) at home in soggy London and goes off for a month to live in an Italian castello with writer Frederick Arbuthnot (Jim Broadbent)’s wife Rose Arbuthnot (Miranda Richardson), snooty widow Mrs Fisher (Joan Plowright) and high-born Caroline Dester (Polly Walker).
Joan Plowright can do this part standing on her head, but it is still a lovely turn and she won a Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture and was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. Miranda Richardson is tremendous too, and she won a Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical.
The screenplay by Peter Barnes is serviceable, though is not exactly in the E M Forster class, but otherwise the film is lovely. Nevertheless, Barnes was Oscar nominated for Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published, while Sheena Napier was Oscar nominated for Best Costume Design. It is based on Elizabeth von Arnim’s 1922 novel The Enchanted April.
Cinematographer Rex Maidment’s images have the advantage of being shot on location at the 15th century Castello Brown in Portofino, Italy, where Elizabeth von Arnim stayed in the 1920s, and had written and set the book.
Richard Rodney Bennett’s haunting flute and oboe score is another treat.
It premiered on the opening night of the London Film Festival on 6 November 1991. It was released in the US by Miramax on 31 July 1992.
Miranda Richardson also stars in Mike Newell’s 1985 film Dance with a Stranger.
Academy Award nominations: Best Supporting Actress (Joan Plowright), Best Screenplay – Based on Material Previously Produced or Published (Peter Barnes) and Best Costume Design (Sheena Napier).
Golden Globe wins: Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy (Miranda Richardson) and Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture (Joan Plowright).
Golden Globe nomination: Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy.
It stars Josie Lawrence as Lottie Wilkins, Miranda Richardson as Rose Arbuthnot, Polly Walker as Caroline Dester, Joan Plowright as Mrs Fisher, Alfred Molina as Mellersh Wilkins, Jim Broadbent as Frederick Arbuthnot and Michael Kitchen as George Briggs. Also in the cast are Adriana Facchetti, Stephen Beckett, Neville Phillips, Matthew Radford, Davide Manuli, Vittorio Duse, and Anna Longhi.
Enchanted April was previously filmed and released by RKO Radio Pictures and directed by Harry Beaumont in 1935, with Ann Harding, Frank Morgan, Katharine Alexander and Reginald Owen starring.
© Derek Winnert 2019 Classic Movie Review 9081
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