Writer-director Hayao Miyazaki’s 2001 Japanese animation focuses on Chihiro (voice of Rumi Horagi), a scared but feisty little 10-year-old girl, who is trapped in a world of witches and spirits, and gods and monsters, when her family move to the countryside suburbs. In this world humans are changed into animals, and her parents have become pigs, so Chihiro tries to restore them back into being human.
The stunning images and an enthralling tale combine to keep this wonderful, inventive 2003 Best Animated Feature Oscar-winning cartoon eerie and riveting throughout its long running time (125 minutes).
It’s aimed mainly for adults, though older children may appreciate it too. It gained the rare status of becoming a much-loved instant classic.
Subtitled and American dubbed versions are both available. Daveigh Chase and Suzanne Pleshette provide the voices in the dubbed version.
(C) Derek Winnert 2014 Classic Film Review 1184
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