Check out all of the posts tagged with "1970s".
Co-story-writer/producer/director Bob Rafelson’s greatly admired 1970 classic Five Easy Pieces was nominated for four Oscars, including Best Picture. It stars Jack Nicholson, who is stupendous as Robert Eroica Dupea, a middle-class musician drop-out who, along […]
After the flop of Dracula AD 1972, Hammer Films try for another misguided update of the Dracula legend, and flop all over again in the eighth film in their Dracula series. The final Hammer film […]
Director John G Avildsen’s 1976 prize-winning champion boxing movie Rocky is a great old-style, feel-good film, directed with a lot of punch by the Oscar-winning film-maker. A triple Oscar-winner, it was the highest-grossing movie of 1976. Best […]
After directing The Help (2011), Tate Taylor helms this conscientious and smoothly made, if uninspired, movie about James Brown. It painstakingly chronicles the Godfather of Soul‘s rise from poverty and parental abuse and abandonment in a turbulent […]
Co-producer/writer/director Brad Silberling’s 2002 drama stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Joe Nast. The young man’s fiancée dies, leaving him distraught and forced to help console her fragile parents, Josephine and Ben Floss (Susan Sarandon, Dustin Hoffman) […]
Rhys-Meyers and Ewan McGregor strut their flamboyant stuff in writer-director Todd Haynes’s gay-friendly, Citizen Kane-style exposé of 1970s glam rock. In truth, the immensely ambitious 1998 drama Velvet Goldmine is a part failure, but it […]
Heath Ledger seems to doing a bad Val Kilmer impression as youth guru-like Skip Engblom, co-proprietor of the Zephyr beach sports shop in Venice, California, during the 1970s, in writer Stacy Peralta’s dramatisation of his […]