Check out all of the posts tagged with "asylum".
‘Tina, bring me the axe’. Joan Crawford stars in the 1964 horror movie Strait-Jacket as an axe-wielding killer. Producer-director William Castle casts the great Joan Crawford, aged 59 in 1964, who follows up her success in […]
Director Andrew Kotting investigates the life and thoughts of the poet John Clare in this typically eccentric and engaging documentary that carries on his profitable obsession with road trips. Remember how it started with Gallivant […]
Director Mark Robson’s 1946 horror movie stars the great horror icon Boris Karloff as evil asylum master, apothecary general Master George Sims. Sadly it proved the last in the series of stylish B-movie horror films produced by […]
Most entertaining old-style horror movie, set in the creepy asylum of the title, with an exceptionally plush production and highly amusing tongue-in-cheek turns from Ben Kingsley, Michael Caine and David Thewlis. Taking it all very seriously, […]
Robert Wiene’s legendary 1920 German silent horror film masterpiece The Cabinet of Dr Caligari stars Werner Krauss as the mad magician Dr Caligari, who hypnotises his tame somnambulist Cesare (Conrad Veidt) to carry out a series […]
Director Philip Kaufman’s real-life period drama stars Geoffrey Rush, the 1997 Best Actor Oscar-winner for Shine. He relishes a great, lip-smacking turn as the infamous Marquis de Sade, the French writer, jailed in a Parisian lunatic […]
Jared Harris battles a weak screenplay and underpowered direction as an arrogant Oxford University physics professor who assembles a small team of students to conduct an experiment on a teenage girl (Olivia Cooke) with psychiatric problems, […]