Derek Winnert

Posts Tagged "coffin"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "coffin".

The Hellbenders [I Crudeli] *** (1967, Joseph Cotten, Norma Bengell, Julián Mateos, Gino Pernice, Ángel Aranda) – Classic Movie Review 13,397

Sergio Corbucci’s 1967 spaghetti Western film The Hellbenders [I Crudeli] stars Joseph Cotten as a fanatical former Confederate officer determined to reorganise the Southern Army and defeat the Union. Italian director Sergio Corbucci’s 1967 spaghetti […]

Feb, 12

Finders Keepers *** (1984, Michael O’Keefe, Beverly D’Angelo, Louis Gossett Jr) – Classic Movie Review 10,433

Director Richard Lester’s elaborate and boisterous 1984 screwball farce Finders Keepers is set on a trans-American train, aboard which a couple, Georgiana (Pamela Stephenson) and her lover Josef Sirola (Ed Lauter), have hidden their stolen […]

Oct, 18

You Gotta Stay Happy ** (1948, Joan Fontaine, James Stewart, Eddie Albert, Roland Young, Willard Parker, Percy Kilbride, Porter Hall) – Classic Movie Review 8651

‘IT HAPPENS up in the Wild Blue Yonder – it gets WILDER as they get FONDER! ‘ Joan Fontaine stars as Dee Dee Dillwood, who leaves her betrothed Henry Benson (Willard Parker) – her sixth […]

Jun, 28

A-Haunting We Will Go *** (1942, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Dante, Elisha Cook Jr) – Classic Movie Review 7361

Director Alfred Werker’s 1942 20th Century Fox black and white comedy A-Haunting We Will Go stars the essential Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy as Stan and Ollie, who are conned by a group of swindling crooks (including […]

Jul, 28

The Deadly Companions *** (1961, Maureen O’Hara, Brian Keith, Steve Cochran, Chill Wills, Strother Martin, Will Wright) – Classic Movie Review 6432

‘You don’t know me well enough to hate me that much.’ – Yellowleg. Director Sam Peckinpah’s first movie after making TV Westerns features Brian Keith as US Civil War Yankee sergeant Yellowleg, a gunfighter escorting […]

Dec, 19

Last Flag Flying **** (2017, Bryan Cranston, Laurence Fishburne, Steve Carell) – Movie Review

Director Richard Linklater’s poignant 2017 drama, based on the novel by Darryl Ponicsan, is absolutely first rate. There are three marvellous performances, a great script, some tremendous bitter-sweet moments, and a wonderful tear-jerking ending. Bryan […]

Dec, 16

Witchcraft *** (1964, Lon Chaney Jr, Jack Hedley, Jill Dixon, David Weston, Viola Keats, Marie Ney) – Classic Movie Review 5866

Director Don Sharp’s 1964 British horror B-movie is a lurid and vigorously handled affair. Harry Spaulding’s screenplay is all about a modern-day housing contractor developing a graveyard where a witch was buried 300 years ago, […]

Aug, 06


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