Check out all of the posts tagged with "coffin".
The astoundingly awful 1959 horror sci-fi film Night of the Ghouls is another ghoulishly ghastly movie from writer-producer-director Edward D Wood Jr, the world’s most enjoyable worst movie-maker. A walking dead sequel to Ed Wood’s […]
Django Strikes Again is the only official sequel to Django (1965) produced with the involvement of original director Sergio Corbucci, who created the Django character. Franco Nero returns to his iconic role as the flinty-eyed […]
Co-writer/ director Sergio Corbucci’s 1966 key Spaghetti Western Django stars Franco Nero as the iconic flinty-eyed Django, a coffin-dragging gunslinger who starts off by rescuing half-breed prostitute Maria (Loredana Nusciak) from Mexican bandits. He then sniffs opportunity […]
Udo Kier’s dying Count Dracula must drink the blood of virgins, in Paul Morrissey’s often stylish and amusing 1974 horror movie Blood for Dracula. It also stars Joe Dallesandro as the handsome servant Mario Balato. […]
The 6′ 4″ evil screen villain Angus Scrimm (aka Lawrence Rory Guy), most famous as The Tall Man in Don Coscarelli’s Phantasm (1979) and its sequels, died at the age of 89 on January 9, 2016. His […]
Director Silvio Narizzano films Joe Orton’s wickedly funny, now classic 1965 stage black comedy Loot in 1970 – the same year as the movie of Entertaining Mr Sloane. To succeed, Orton’s outrageous, wonderfully bad-taste comedy […]
Peter Cushing returns as vampire hunter Dr Van Helsing in Hammer Films’ 1960 horror film Brides of Dracula, Terence Fisher’s first sequel to the 1958 Dracula, but David Peel replaces Christopher Lee as chief vampire […]