Check out all of the posts tagged with "coffin".
Director Don Sharp’s sinister 1963 movie The Kiss of the Vampire is a thoughtful and entertaining Dracula-style Hammer horror, with scary sequences and a well-judged good old-fashioned battle between good and evil. Noel Willman, a character […]
Vincent Price and Christopher Lee star together for the first time in AIP’s tasty, effective 1969 gothic shocker horror film The Oblong Box. Vincent Price and Christopher Lee star together for the first time in […]
Aimer, boire et chanter (Life of Riley) is the last film of great French director Alain Resnais, who died on March 1 2014, aged 91. He was perhaps best known for known for Night and Fog (1955), Hiroshima Mon […]
The good-looking, atmospheric 1962 American horror film The Premature Burial is the third in Roger Corman’s series of eight Edgar Allan Poe-themed pictures and stars Ray Milland and Hazel Court. ‘Within this Coffin Lies a Man… […]