Check out all of the posts tagged with "factory".
Wolf Rilla’s 1954 British second feature drama film The End of the Road stars Finlay Currie as a veteran employee who has retirement forced on him by his employers. Director Wolf Rilla’s 1954 British second feature drama […]
‘A tale of greed, lust and death by chocolate.’ Director Giles Foster’s 1988 British comedy Consuming Passions is taken from the play Secrets by Michael Palin and Terry Jones, and stars Vanessa Redgrave, Freddie Jones […]
Indian film director Satyajit Ray’s witty, perceptive and incisive 1971 Bengali black and white social comedy drama Company Limited [Seemabaddha] examines Calcutta business life and the dilemmas of an honest hero afflicted by ambition. Barun […]
The Me of the title is film-maker reporter Michael Moore whose satirical 1989 documentary feature Roger & Me [Roger and Me] trails Roger B Smith, chairman of General Motors, who cut 35,000 jobs when he closed […]
Writer/ producer/ director Aki Kaurismäki’s 1987 Finnish black comedy film Hamlet Goes Business [Hamlet Liikemaailmassa] is an entertaining, irreverent black-and-white satirical film noir reading of the Bard. Cult director Kaurismäki’s highly personal telling of the […]
Strikers take over the running of their small factory making tractors and ploughs from their pompous big boss Dickinson (Basil Radford), in co-writer/ co-producer/ director Bernard Miles’s entertaining and thoughtful 1950-style anti-authority comedy drama Chance […]
Director Elio Petri’s 1971 film The Working Class Go to Heaven [La Classe Operaia Va in Paradiso] stars Gian Maria Volontè as factory worker Lulù Massa, who upsets his co-workers and mistress Lidia (Mariangela Melato) […]