Check out all of the posts tagged with "gay lead character".
Gabriel D’Almeida Freitas and Xavier Dolan star as Matthias & Maxime, which finds writer-director Xavier Dolan in romantic mode, edgy, unconventional romantic mode perhaps, but definitely romantic mode. The French-Canadian film, mostly in French focuses […]
Writer/ director Pedro Almodóvar’s reflective semi-autobiographical Pain and Glory [Dolor y Gloria] (2019) is tremendous, as near perfection as any film gets. Almodóvar is on great form in serious mode in one of his best […]
Albert Finney, Brenda Fricker and Michael Gambon star in the 1994 comedy drama film A Man of No Importance. Finney plays a closeted gay bus conductor in Dublin in 1963 who puts on Oscar Wilde […]
Writer-director Joel Edgerton’s biographical drama Boy Erased is based on a memoir by Garrard Conley about the conversion therapy of an American gay teenager. It is a very good, very compelling film, all too real film, […]
Director Sidney Lumet’s 1982 hit Deathtrap is a hugely enjoyable film version of Ira Levin’s stage thriller, with Michael Caine as the has-been Broadway playwright Sidney Bruhl suffering from writer’s block who conceives one of his […]
Bohemian Rhapsody is an interesting music biopic but it is troubled with hesitancies and uncertainties. Rami Malek proves a most interesting choice for the star part. He looks good and is ingratiating in the flamboyant […]
Sweet, funny and saying all the right stuff really well. Director Trudie Styler’s Freak Show is sweet and funny, and says all the right stuff really well. Alex Lawther gives a brave and great performance in […]