Check out all of the posts tagged with "gay lead character".
‘Dear Moviegoers, Please form a line at concessions. It doesn’t have to be straight. Love, Simon.’ Here’s to you, Mr Robinson. Can a whole movie hang on its hero’s smile and charm? Yes, apparently it can. Nick […]
Gaspard Ulliel stars as young gay, terminally ill writer Louis, who returns home after a long time away of 12 years to re-connect (if possible) with his family and eventually tell them that he is […]
‘Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level. It’s cheaper.’ Director Jack Gold’s glittering, crisply entertaining 1975 TV movie is a triumph, with a dazzling performance by John Hurt as real-life […]
Writer-director Barry Jenkins’s 2016 story of self-discovery spotlights three eras in the troubled early life of a young black-American man called Chiron from childhood via mid-teenager to young adulthood. It is based on the play In […]
It’s the summer of love in 1969. Elliot Teichberg – aka the original source book author Elliot Tiber – is a struggling young gay interior designer working at his parents’ rundown motel in up-state New […]
Harry Hamlin plays LA novelist Bart, who meets married young LA doctor Zach (Michael Ontkean), who falls for him, in Making Love (1982), the first American major studio movie focusing on a romantic gay relationship. […]
Director John Erman’s beautifully acted, extremely moving 1985 pioneering AIDS drama starts when successful young attorney Michael Pierson (Aidan Quinn) tells his family both that he is gay and that he is ill. Quinn gives […]