Derek Winnert

Posts Tagged "Geronimo"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "Geronimo".

Walk the Proud Land ** (1956, Audie Murphy, Anne Bancroft, Pat Crowley, Jay Silverheels, Charles Drake, Tommy Rall) – Classic Movie Review 9168

Director Jesse Hibbs’s modest 1956 biographical Western film Walk the Proud Land stars Audie Murphy as noble Apache agent John Philip Clum, who attempts to resolve conflicts between warring factions and get Geronimo (Jay Silverheels) […]

Dec, 18

Geronimo: An American Legend ****½ (1993, Jason Patric, Gene Hackman, Robert Duvall, Wes Studi, Matt Damon) – Classic Movie Review 5,581

Jason Patric impresses as Charles Gatewood, the gloomy lieutenant who takes Apache chief Geronimo (Wes Studi) into custody and conducts him to the US brigadier general, George A Crook (Gene Hackman). In the mid-1880s, the […]

Jun, 11

Geronimo *** (1962, Chuck Connors, Adam West, Kamala Devi, Pat Conway, Lawrence Dobkin) – Classic Movie Review 5580

Producer-director Arnold Laven’s 1962 Technicolor movie stars Chuck Connors as Apache warrior Geronimo in this caring, pro-Native American Western about the Indian Chief trying to fight back against the US soldiers sent to subdue his revolt. Lawrence […]

Jun, 11

Apache *** (1954, Burt Lancaster, Jean Peters, John McIntire) – Classic Movie Review 5382

Director Robert Aldrich’s strong, powerfully handled 1954 Western film Apache stars Burt Lancaster, who gives a charismatic, athletic performance as Apache warrior Massai, an alienated Indian leader carrying on a single-handed war against the white […]

May, 02

Dead Reckoning **** (1947, Humphrey Bogart, Lizabeth Scott, Morris Carnovsky) – Classic Movie Review 2160

Director John Cromwell’s distinguished 1947 thriller Dead Reckoning takes a lot of familiar film noir elements and stirs the pot to boiling point, cooking up an extremely tasty, fresh-seeming stew. It starts with a strong […]

Feb, 08

Stagecoach ***** (1939, John Wayne, Claire Trevor, Andy Devine, John Carradine, Thomas Mitchell, Louise Platt, George Bancroft) – Classic Movie Review 386

‘My name’s John Ford and I make Westerns,’ said the director, and this double Oscar-winning 1939 masterwork is his most famous. In it, a motley crew of misfits tries to cross the New Mexico Territory in a […]

Nov, 10


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