Derek Winnert

Posts Tagged "Holly Hunter"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "Holly Hunter".

The Incredibles **** (2004, Craig T Nelson, Samuel L Jackson, Holly Hunter, Jason Lee, Brad Bird) – Classic Movie Review 2648

Retired superheroes Mr Incredible and Elastigirl are called back to action on a secret assignment. Little do they know that Syndrome, once rejected as Incrediboy, is out to destroy all superheroes… This clever Pixar/Disney 2004 […]

Jun, 27

A Life Less Ordinary ** (1997, Cameron Diaz, Ewan McGregor, Holly Hunter, Delroy Lindo, Ian Holm) – Classic Movie Review 1876

Director Danny Boyle’s 1997 movie is an honourable flop this time round from the Trainspotting (1996) production team, commendably trying something bold and adventurous a million miles away from their previous hit, with a modern […]

Nov, 23

Raising Arizona **** (1987, Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter, Trey Wilson) – Classic Movie Review 1767

Hooray for the Coen Brothers’ second movie, providing a dazzling follow-up to their stunning film noir debut with Blood Simple in 1984. Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter star as a petty crook H.I. McDonnough (‘Hi’) […]

Oct, 13

Crash *** (1996, James Spader, Holly Hunter, Elias Koteas) – Classic Movie Review 1748

  Writer-director David Cronenberg’s uniquely disturbing 1996 film of J G Ballard’s probably unfilmable parable novel about people into road crashes for sexual kicks caused a furore in Britain. The right-wing forces of censorship in politics […]

Oct, 06

The Firm *** (1993, Tom Cruise, Gene Hackman, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Hal Holbrook) – Classic Movie Review 1,536

Sydney Pollack’s simmering 1993 legal thriller film The Firm stars Tom Cruise as a promising young attorney seduced into joining a sinister Memphis family lawyer firm and Gene Hackman as his world-weary mentor. Director Sydney […]

Aug, 11

Thirteen **** (2003, Holly Hunter, Evan Rachel Wood, Nikki Reed, Vanessa Hudgens, Brady Corbet, Ulysses Estrada, Kip Pardue, Jeremy Sisto, Deborah Unger) – Classic Movie Review 1495

Co-writer/director Catherine Hardwicke’s 2003 drama is a real eye-opener. Holly Hunter stars as Melanie Freeland, whose aimless 13-year-old daughter Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood) is tempted by her popular if troubled new friend Evie Zamora (Nikki Reed) into a […]

Jul, 30

O Brother, Where Art Thou? **** (2000, George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, John Goodman, Holly Hunter, Charles Durning) – Classic Movie Review 473

The Coen Brothers Joel and Ethan direct George Clooney in 2000 in a patchy but posh and stylish and often very entertaining comedy drama. A super Clooney sings, does a Southern accent, plays comedy and […]

Dec, 05


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