Check out all of the posts tagged with "homophobia".
Julien Baumgartner stars as Vincent Molina, a nice young gay guy, who finds himself the victim of homophobic outing at his high school, where he is in the swim team. Director Fabrice Cazeneuve’s Á cause […]
The beautiful, intense, moving 2014 Hungarian movie Viharsarok [Land of Storms] is a tremendously good gay-themed drama, with fine performances. Szabolcs quits football in Germany and returns to Hungary, where meets Aron… Best friends Szabolcs […]
A Bolivian father seeks out and confronts his late son’s ex-boyfriend. Rodrigo Bellott’s 2019 Bolivian drama film Tu me manques [I Miss You] is especially thought-provoking and moving. A Bolivian father seeks out and confronts […]
The fresh and funny 2015 comedy drama Né Giulietta, né Romeo [A Little Lust] is a likeable, well meaning film starting from bullying and homophobia among teenagers at an Italian high school, where gay teenager […]
The disturbing and revealing 2021 Polish thriller film Operation Hyacinth [Hiacynt] stars Tomasz Ziętek as an earnest young policeman assigned a case of a serial murderer targeting homosexuals in Warsaw. Director Piotr Domalewski’s disturbing and […]
Josafat Vagni is a real charmer as Mattia, a Rome gay guy about to move to Madrid to live with his boyfriend Eduard, who announces his arrival in Rome to meet the unsuspecting in-laws, in […]
The appealing, thoughtful 2018 Canadian coming of age drama film Giant Little Ones stars Josh Wiggins as Franky, who gets intimate with his best buddy Ballas (Darren Mann) and finds he is not the friend […]