Derek Winnert

Posts Tagged "memory"

Check out all of the posts tagged with "memory".

La Jetée ***** (1962, Hélène Chatelain, Davos Hanich, Jacques Ledoux, voice of Jean Négroni) – Classic Movie Review 9527

Writer-director Chris Marker’s brilliantly teasing and challenging 1962 28-minute French black and white science fiction featurette La Jetée (The Jetty) is constructed almost entirely from still photographs and tells the story of a man and […]

Mar, 19

My American Uncle [Mon Oncle d’Amérique] **** (1980, Gérard Depardieu, Nicole Garcia, Roger Pierre) – Classic Movie Review 9138

Director Alain Renais’s offbeat, humorous 1980 film My American Uncle [Mon Oncle d’Amérique] is a character study of a technical manager at a textile factory (Gérard Depardieu), a self-educated actress (Nicole Garcia) and a writer/politician […]

Dec, 08

The Shop on Main Street [Obchod na korze] ***** (1965, Ida Kaminska, Jozef Kroner, Hana Slivková) – Classic Movie Review 8480

Writer-directors Ján Kadár and Elmar Klos won the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar in 1966 for this 1965 heart-rending saga The Shop on Main Street [Obchod na korze] about a wood-worker Tono (Jozef Kroner) who tries […]

May, 18

Shutter Island **** (2010, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emily Mortimer, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Max von Sydow, Michelle Williams, Patricia Clarkson) – Classic Movie Review 5619

Director Martin Scorsese’s unusual and disturbing mystery horror thriller is atmospheric, eerie and highly successful. It is set in 1954 in Boston’s secluded Shutter Island Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane, where US marshal Teddy […]

Jun, 16

Jacob’s Ladder ***½ (1990, Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peña, Danny Aiello) – Classic Movie Review 5,197

The eerie, eye-catching 1990 horror movie Jacob’s Ladder stars Tim Robbins as New York postal worker Jacob Singer, a divorced, traumatised Vietnam vet who is troubled by terrible nightmares. Director Adrian Lyne’s eerie, eye-catching 1990 […]

Mar, 25

The Terence Davies Trilogy **** (1983, Phillip Mawdsley, Nick Stringer, Valerie Lilley, Terry O’Sullivan, Sheila Raynor, Wilfrid Brambell) – Classic Movie Review 5156

Writer-director Terence Davies’s outstanding first film is an impressive achievement in bleak memoir, cohering satisfyingly, though made up from three autobiographical short films made over a period of six years or so. The anthology film […]

Mar, 15

Distant Voices, Still Lives **** (1988, Freda Dowie, Pete Postlethwaite, Angela Walsh, Dean Williams, Lorraine Ashbourne, Jean Boht) – Classic Movie Review 5155

Terence Davies’s haunting 1988 autobiographical British film Distant Voices, Still Lives is a poignant study of postwar working-class life in Liverpool. It stars Pete Postlethwaite. Freda Dowie, Lorraine Ashbourne and Jean Boht. Writer-director Terence Davies’s […]

Mar, 14


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