Check out all of the posts tagged with "sea".
The very spitting image of Captain Birdseye, Lionel Barrymore has a whale of a time with his role as sea Captain Bering Joy, a spectacularly grizzled ship’s captain, in this entertaining, old-fashioned sea saga about […]
Stanley Kramer’s 1977 neo-noir assassination thriller film The Domino Principle [The Domino Killings] stars Gene Hackman, Candice Bergen, Mickey Rooney and Richard Widmark. Producer/ director Stanley Kramer’s 1977 neo-noir assassination thriller film The Domino Principle [The Domino Killings] stars […]
Director Kon Ichikawa’s 1963 Japanese adventure classic Alone on the Pacific [Taiheiyô Hitoribotchi] [My Enemy the Sea] stars Yûjirô Ishihara as Kenichi Horie, a young man who defies his parents, the authorities and the sea […]
Director Irwin Allen’s lively 1971 sci-fi action adventure TV movie City Beneath the Sea is helped by lots of familiar television star faces (Stuart Whitman, Robert Wagner, Rosemary Forsyth) and movie stars on the way […]
‘A Thousand Thrills, And Hayley Mills!’ ‘An Earthquake of Entertainment!’ ‘Only Walt Disney could tell this incredible Jules Verne adventure!’ Walt Disney’s second raid on Jules Verne (after 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) boasts a […]
A luxury liner sails from Naples in 1914 with a boatload of friends and colleagues aboard to scatter the ashes of a great soprano, Edmea Tetua (Janet Suzman), in co-writer/ director Federico Fellini’s stylised 1983 theatrical […]
‘One of the Most Challenging Stories of Faith Ever Told!’ Well, that was the plan, but things did not quite turn out like that. Director Bob McNaught’s 1957 British romantic drama Sea Wife stars Richard […]