Check out all of the posts tagged with "US president".
Who’d have thought Olympus Has Fallen (2013) would turn into a trilogy? The third ‘… Has Fallen’ action thriller movie, Angel Has Fallen (2019), is surprisingly good, much better than expected, mixing well-staged violent action […]
Jack Lemmon and James Garner star as rival former US Presidents, who join up to expose the corrupt present President William Haney (Dan Aykroyd) after they become targets of a conspirator in his government. The duo set out […]
Writer/ co-producer/ director Richard Brooks goes for the idea of Dr Strangelove meets Network in his bold 1982 satirical-minded thriller based on the novel The Better Angels by Charles McCarry. Sean Connery stars as the […]
Producer-director Otto Preminger’s superb 1962 political thriller boasts a wonderful array of old Sixties star character actors doing their unique and eccentric things. Despite all the valiant efforts of Henry Fonda as Robert Leffingwell, Walter Pidgeon […]
Director Dwight H Little’s 1997 movie is a very, very bad and totally cheesy thriller, wasting Wesley Snipes as Detective Harlan Regis, a homicide cop who must investigate the murder of a woman in a […]
Absolute power corrupts absolutely The improbable but fairly exciting 1997 thriller film Absolute Power stars Clint Eastwood as a veteran career thief who witnesses a horrific crime involving the US President (Gene Hackman). The improbable […]
In director Roger Donaldson’s long but compelling real-life 2000 nailbiting thriller, Kevin Costner plays Kenny O’Donnell, the top adviser to President John F Kennedy (Bruce Greenwood). O’Donnell is desperately seeking a way to stop America […]