Derek Winnert


This article was written on 21 Sep 2024, and is filled under Uncategorized.

The Man in the Mirror **½ (1936, Edward Everett Horton, Genevieve Tobin, Garry Marsh, Ursula Jeans, Alastair Sim, Felix Aylmer) – Classic Movie Review 13,136

Director Maurice Elvey’s 1936 British fantasy comedy film The Man in the Mirror stars American performers Edward Everett Horton and Genevieve Tobin as Jeremy and Helen Dilke, along with Garry Marsh, Ursula Jeans, Alastair Sim and Felix Aylmer.

America’s suave ditherer Edward Everett Horton carries an amusing whimsical idea about Jeremy Dilke (Horton), a meek soul of a stockbroker, whose mirror image takes on a life of its own. On his own at home, Dilke is amazed when his reflection steps out of the looking glass, announcing himself as his confident alter ego, who now starts living life the way Dilke would have liked. The man in the mirror gets going on the trail to confidence, success and sex appeal, just the man Dilke wants to be, doing all the things he is unable to do in his own actual life.

The idea is a good one, but the script’s tone is unfortunately over-farcical. However, the painstaking production and director Maurice Elvey’s frantic pace and inventive handling help it along nicely, papering over a lot of the cracks.

Solid support from the polished British home team, especially Alastair Sim (Interpreter) and Felix Aylmer (Earl of Wigan), keeps the faded comedy on the tracks. But obviously some of today’s slickness and special effects would be useful assets. Nevertheless, it has charm, and most of all it has Edward Everett Horton, and it is a prestige production from producer Julius Hagen and Twickenham Studios, with more quality than their usual quota quickies.

The screenplay by F McGrew Willis and Hugh Mills is based on the novel by William Garrett.

Release dates: April 24, 1937 (US).

The Man in the Mirror is directed by Maurice Elvey, runs 71 minutes, is made by Julius Hagen Productions and Twickenham Studios, is released by Wardour Films (UK), Twickenham Film Distributors (UK) and Grand National Pictures (US), is written by F McGrew Willis and Hugh Mills, is shot by Curt Courant, is produced by Julius Hagen, is scored by W L Trytel, and is deigned by Andrew Mazzei.

The cast are Edward Everett Horton as Jeremy Dilke, Genevieve Tobin as Helen Dilke, Ursula Jeans as Veronica Tarkington, Garry Marsh as Charles Tarkington, Aubrey Mather as Bogus of Bokhara, Alastair Sim as the Bogus’s interpreter, Renee Gadd as Miss Blake, Viola Compton as Mrs Massiter, Stafford Hilliard as Dr Graves, Felix Aylmer as Earl of Wigan, Merle Tottenham as Mary, and Syd Crossley as the Porter.

© Derek Winnert 2024 – Classic Movie Review 13,136

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