Writer-director Amir Amirani’s important and stirring documentary focuses on the biggest demonstration in history, which took place on 15 February 2003, against the impending war on Iraq. The global protest proved a pivotal moment in recent history, whose highly significant consequences and long-term gains are revealed here.
With well-chosen footage and frank and fearless interviews with the great and good, it is very powerful and moving, offering lots of information and strong opinions, cogently expressed. Mark Rylance, Danny Glover, Ken Loach, Damon Albarn, Ron Kovic, John Le Carré and Tony Benn are notable contributors.
Despite its incredible success in getting people lout onto the street worldwide, results-wise the protest seemed to be yet another failure. But in the long term the marchers won. Protest there lead to other protests elsewhere, eventually encouraging revolt in Egypt. David Cameron found his war on Syria blocked through the collective British memories that it was the protestors not the politicians who were right about Iraq. Public opinion established its power that one historic day. Russell Brand would be delighted.
For me it proved a great film to see on British general election day, when Cameron was returned victorious! If only all voters had watched it before voting!!
© Derek Winnert 2015 Movie Review
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